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Reduce before offsetting your carbon footprint


Carbon offsetting is a valuable tool in the fight against climate change, but it should not be seen as the ultimate solution as offsetting alone is not enough to solve the climate crisis. Instead, it should be considered as a last step in a larger effort to reduce carbon emissions.

Carbon offsetting allows individuals and businesses to invest in projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as renewable energy or reforestation initiatives. This helps to balance out the carbon emissions that cannot be avoided, making their overall carbon footprint smaller. However, carbon offsetting should not be used as a substitute for making real changes in our behavior and systems to reduce our emissions.

The best way to tackle climate change is to reduce emissions at the source by making changes to the way we live and work. This can be achieved through a variety of measures, such as using public transportation and supporting companies that prioritize sustainability.

By focusing on reducing emissions first, and using carbon offsetting as a last resort, we can make real progress in the fight against climate change. Carbon offsetting should be seen as a tool to help us achieve our goals, rather than a solution in itself.


It's the perfect time to enjoy the spring weather and spend time with your loved ones. If you're looking for some fun (and sustainable !) activities to do during your time off, we've got you covered. Here are some suggestions:

Take a walk or bike ride in nature to enjoy the blooming scenery. Make sure to bring your trash with you and dispose of it properly. 

 Organize a cleanup: Get out and pick up litter in your neighborhood or nearby park. Good for the environment and fun with or without kids! 

 Start a garden: Begin a vegetable and herb garden to consume fresh and local produce. Sustainable and less expensive! 

 Host a clothing swap with friends or family to acquire new summer items without buying new ones. A way for you to avoid fast fashion. 

 Make your own Easter eggs and decorations: Create your own Easter eggs and decorations using natural materials such as wood, paper, and wool. It's a fun and creative way to be sustainable and create a beautiful Easter decoration. 

 Plan a zero-waste picnic: Use only washable dishes and napkins. Choose local, seasonal, and packaging-free products and avoid food waste. 

 Launch an upcycling project: Give new life to old furniture or other objects by transforming them into something new. It's a fun and creative way to be sustainable and create something unique. 

Make your own cleaning products: Create your own natural cleaning products using ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon. Healthier for you and the environment.

Volunteer: Find a local environmental organization and offer your time to help them and make a positive impact.

If you are planning to travel during the Easter or Spring holidays, remember that your trip has an environmental impact. That's why we encourage you to calculate your CO2e impact (www.greentripper.org) and take measures to reduce it as much as possible.

Choose environmentally friendly modes of transportation such as trains, long-distance buses, or carpooling. Also opt for eco-friendly accommodations, reduce your energy consumption, and support sustainable local businesses.

After reducing your impact as much as possible, there is often still an unavoidable carbon footprint associated with your trip. This is where carbon offsetting comes into play. By contributing to climate projects that avoid, sequester, or reduce greenhouse gas emissions, you can offset the remaining CO2e to reduce the environmental impact of your trip.


As the world becomes more aware of the urgent need to address climate change, it's becoming increasingly important for travel agencies to take steps to reduce the carbon footprint of their clients' trips. Reduction is the first step, and we would love to share some tips on how to reduce the climate impact of travellers. Here are some tips that travel agencies can follow:

Promote eco-friendly travel options: Encourage your clients to choose low-carbon travel options such as trains or buses instead of flights, or to opt for hybrid or electric vehicles where possible. 

Encourage sustainable accommodations: Recommend sustainable accommodations such as hotels with green certifications, eco-lodges or sustainable camping options.

Promote responsible tourism: Encourage your clients to be mindful of their impact on the local environment and community by supporting local businesses, respecting cultural traditions and minimizing waste. 

Educate clients: Provide information and resources to help your clients make informed decisions about their travel choices, such as providing tips on reducing plastic waste, conserving energy and water, and supporting conservation efforts.

Partner with green suppliers: Partner with suppliers who have a strong commitment to sustainability, such as eco-tour operators or sustainable transportation providers.

Encourage slow travel: Encourage your clients to take their time and enjoy their destinations rather than rushing from one location to another. This can reduce carbon emissions from transportation and provide a more

Offset carbon emissions: Partner with reputable carbon offsetting companies to offset the carbon emissions of your clients’ travel. This could involve supporting certified renewable energy projects, reforestation projects or other carbon-reducing initiatives.

Monitor and Measure Impact: Monitor and measure the environmental impact of travellers and use this information to improve sustainability practices.

By implementing these tips, travel agencies can reduce the climate impact of their travellers and promote sustainable travel practices.


Are you a travel agency or tour operator looking to calculate your overall carbon footprint? Greentripper can help! We can calculate the greenhouse gas emissions generated by your operations and offer you a plan of action to reduce them.

Calculating your carbon footprint is the starting point for acting as a sustainable travel professional. The carbon footprint allows you to measure the total greenhouse gas emissions that you generate (Scopes 1, 2, 3): for your internal operations (energy, IT equipment, ...), commuting, business travel (Eductour), etc... and of course, your travel offerings. Based on the carbon footprint, the Greentripper team will work with you to identify the levers to reduce your carbon footprint and implement a plan of action for the coming months/years.

Contact us to learn more about our services and join the movement for more sustainable tourism. Together, we can build a better future for our planet and future generations.

Call for applications for SMEs active in the tourism sector  
Do you want to integrate Greentripper's calculator on your website or in your back-office system? If you are a sustainable SME in the travel sector, we invite you to apply for Tourbit's digital acceleration program before 5/4. You may be one of the 60 tourism sector SMEs who will have the chance to receive funding and support services for sustainable digital transformation. As a approved service provider, mentor, expert and consultant of the Tourbit program, Greentripper is here to help you at every step. Join us in promoting sustainable tourism and responsible travel. Apply now!


Note for partners using the Greentripper API: We would like to inform you that starting from May 1st, the Radiative Forcing option will be mandatory in the CO2e-calculations of flight travel when using the Greentripper API.

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