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Misconceptions about carbon offsetting

A reduction in greenhouse gases is urgently needed to achieve our climate targets and to limit global warming and its disastrous consequences. Yet many people are still sceptical about carbon offsetting.  Here are some of the most common misconceptions.


I don’t want to offset because…

  …it is too expensive. 

The price of offsetting depends on various factors such as the type of carbon offset project, the location of the project, its co-benefits, etc.  When you offset the emissions from your trip, your compensation has a greater impact than you might think. A study conducted by ICROA shows the added value, for every tonne of carbon emissions reduced. They estimate the total added value at $724 per tonne! This hidden value increases the quality of life and financial situation of local people far more than the offset price. The next time you compensate, know that your financial contribution to credible climate projects provides an additional economic, social and environmental benefit.


…it has no impact. 

Factories, businesses and governments are the parties that can have the greatest impact but individuals can also make a differenceWe should all strive to reduce our daily carbon offset and 'give back' to nature what cannot be avoided .  Offsetting is a voluntary and concrete way of responding to your climate impact and CO2 emission. Calculating and offsetting are the first stages to be aware of our climate impact. The climate projects you can support by offsetting would not exist without the CO2 compensation system.  By offsetting our CO2 emissions, we are also bolstering the Sustainable Development Goals in developing countries. More specifically, the climate projects with which CO2logic and Greentripper work are located in developing countries, thereby enabling the local populations to combine socio-economic development with the reduction of CO2 emissions on a global level.

… it is used for green marketing. 

Carbon reduction is a sustainable investment and more and more companies are aware of this. Not only does it have environmental benefits, but also economic ones, such as reduction in energy costs. This is why many big brands offset the carbon that cannot be eliminated internally. arbon reduction can be a competitive advantage as more and more customers expect climate action from their favourite brands. The vast majority of companies that do carbon offsets, mostly have additional emission reduction targets. According to a study by Forest Trends' Ecosystem Marketplace, these companies invest 10 times more in emission reduction activities than the typical company that does not offset.

 … the climate projects are too far away. 

Developing countries are the most impacted by climate change and the least able to afford its consequences. By supporting climate projects in developing countries, we bring important additional benefits. Besides reducing CO2 emissions, we improve the health of the local population, their incomes and their livelihood. The earth has only one atmosphere and with the same amount of money , we can reduce much more carbon emissions in developing countries than in Europe.


… you should just stop travelling. 

Tourism brings many benefits such as employment for the local population and less discrimination . But we cannot pretend that it has no negative impact on the climate. It is therefore important that strict measures are taken in the travel industry   The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) has a global measure to address carbon emissions in the aviation sector: the Carbon Offset and Reduction System for International Aviation (CORSIA). It aims to stabilise CO2 emissions by requiring airlines to offset the growth in their emissions after 2020. Offsetting shouldn’t be used as an excuse to continue flying as we do today. We should strive to look at other sustainable travel options such as trains . However for those unavoidable flights, it can be a good way to balance it out.


Debunked: Eight Myths About Carbon Offsetting - Ecosystem Marketplace , 
ICROA - Valuing offset projects' co-benefits

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