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Green resolutions for 2022 & travelling by train

Hi Greentrippers!

We wish you all the very best for 2022!

We thank you for trusting Greentripper for compensating your daily travels, holidays, and business trips.

We look forward to the coming year being full of nice surprises and climate actions, contributing to building a better world.

And you know what they say… ‘New year, new me’. It’s the perfect occasion to make some new resolutions to protect our fragile planet and live more sustainable day by day. And even though we don’t see the immediate positive effects of our small actions, you know you are doing it for a greener future!

We have listed six realistic resolutions for a greener workday routine: 

If you haven’t seen yet our tips yet on how to be a responsible traveler - Go check them out! :


Travel by train

As you all know, flying to your next destination can be quite harmful for the environment. 

For shorter distances, choose to travel by train whenever possible. For trips of less than 1,000 kilometres, it is becoming easier to replace a flight with a train or bus trip. Intercontinental flights are harder to overcome, but once upon your arrival avoid domestic flights. Taking local means of transport might not always be as convenient but you’ll be in for an adventure once you start moving around like the locals.

Taking the train might take a bit longer than the plane, but it has many upsides too!

1.      You can just jump on the train as you don’t have to check-in or collect your luggage, nor undergo extensive security checks.

2.      You can enjoy the scenery while getting some work done as most trains have Wi-Fi onboard.

3.      You will be more comfortable and relaxed than on a plain. You can stretch your legs, drink a glass of wine and even take a nap if you have a cabin.

4.      Unlike airports which are located far from the cities, most of the major train stations are located in the heart of the cities which makes it easier and cheaper to take public transportation to your accommodation.

5.      Train timetables offer more flexibility with a wide choice of routes and departure times.

6.      And ofcourse – besides walking or biking, it is your greenest option to travel!

For example, if you travel from Paris to Madrid by plane, you emit 198 kg CO2 while by train (TGV) it’s only 9,61 kg CO2 or 21 times less than flying.


Maybe something to think about when booking that next trip? Besides, you might meet some like-minded people!

Welcome to our new Climate Partners!

Rivages du Monde organizes river and sea cruises all over the world. They decided to collaborate with Greentripper to offset 110% of their cruises by supporting a certified wind turbine construction project in India. 

To go further and act locally as well, a part of this contribution will go to the "River Cleanup" association whose objective is to clean up rivers and streams in Europe. 

Atlas Reizen is a high end travel agency, creating tailor made holidays and business trips. With their project "Atlas 2025", they want to bring a positive contribution to the sustainable travel sector. To this end, Atlas Reizen has committed to offer all its customers CO2-neutral (c) flights.

Teralis is a non-profit organisation that organises group trips accessible to everyone.  They promote social cohesion by mixing audiences and social groups. 

Besides contributing to the fight against inequalities and exclusion, they also want to contribute to our planet by offering CO2-compensation to their clients.

CLIP Taalvakanties is a non-profit organisation that organises youth holidays where they learn French and English. 

They work together with Greentripper to offset all the CO2 emissions from their plane trips.

Lufthansa City Center's (LCC) global network of travel agency franchises includes around 500 locations in over 85 countries. 

To give back to nature, some LCCI agencies will now offer the possibility to neutralize the CO2 impact of your trips in order to help conserve our planet.

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